Call Me Mrs. Smith…Machine: Why I Love the Smith Machine

Robbie Anne
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2017


Robbie Anne

The Smith Machine is by far one of my favorite workout machines at the gym. It’s pretty much my go to machine for upper and lower body circuits. The Smith Machine can be a bit intimidating at first if you don’t know how to use the beast. Today, I’m going to put your Smith Machine worries away and tell you all about it’s many benefits as well as some of my favorite exercises.

The Smith Machine is a weight machine that has an attached barbell that moves in a vertical motion. Seems straight forward enough. Since the barbell is fixed to the machine and cannot be removed, the Smith Machine acts as a spotter during difficult weight lifting tasks. However, as a safety precaution, if you intend on lifting a lot of weight, you should always have a spotter or someone near by. Another thing to keep in mind when using any gym equipment is posture, so it’s important to know your positioning to avoid any injury.

Because the Smith Machine is fixed, anyone can use the machine to focus on a specific muscle group just by changing up foot and hand positioning. This is also great for those with back and neck injuries since the machine is stable and helps users stay more upright. Sometimes I notice when I use free weights, I tend to slouch and arch my back more if I’m not super careful. Other great aspects of the Smith Machine is that it eliminates the same old gym routine that eventually does absolutely nothing for your muscles. In fact, the same muscle exercises become stale and our bodies really don’t see change. The Smith Machine is a great way to break up the monotony for shoulders, back, chest, and legs.

Since the Smith Machine is a massive beast in the middle of the weight lifting room, it’s hard to decide when to throw it into your gym routine. I try to use it 1-2 times per week depending on my muscle focus for the day. For example, I’ll do shoulders on a Monday and use free weights and body weight but the following Monday for shoulder day I’ll be using the Smith Machine and incorporating a circuit workout to keep the heart pumping.

The best way to ease into using the Smith Machine is to use it with a muscle that has been built up already such as back. Our back muscles are usually strong when you work arms and shoulders. You also want to start using the Smith Machine when you are comfortable with certain positions and postures. There’s nothing wrong with a few glances in the mirror, with a wink of course!

Now that you’re familiar with the Smith Machine and it’s many benefits, it’s time to get into some exercises that incorporate the full body. Squats are fantastic on the Smith Machine sinxe the bar is stabilized and moves with each squat. Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart and you’re really using your quads and glutes to push your body back up. Try 3 sets of 10 with a comfortable amount of weight. Along with squats and lower body Smith Machine usage, lunges are also great to do. Keep your knee in line with your toe and ease into a lunge position. It’s important to maintain a balanced and controlled motion.

For many upper body exercises on the Smith Machine, you will need a bench. The military press is a great way to work your shoulders. Sit on the bench and with your back straight. Grab the bar at shoulder height and release it slowly. Then complete a set of 10. Another great shoulder set is a single arm shoulder press. Turn so that your body in parallel with the bar. Using one arm, raise the bar and ease back down in a slow and controlled motion. Be sure to caution how much weight you’re using since you’re only using one arm.

Other great exercises you can try are upright rows, curtsy lunges, kneeling rear kick, deadlifts, and so much more! Don’t forget to check out my #Instagram @robinannefitnessblog for some Smith Machine exercises in action. Stay tuned for more vids this week as we explore the #smithmachine I mean after all, call me Mrs. Smith Machine! Happy Workout!

