Healthy Headache Healing

Robbie Anne
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


Headaches are the worst! They can either gnaw at you all day long, or they can come on so quickly that they can be debilitating. For years, I suffered from migraines that would lay me up most of the day or headaches that would make functioning seem impossible. Lots of things can cause headaches like stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, poor vision, or even an annoying cold. In other words, headaches are the enemy!

Most people cure headaches with Tylenol or Advil and hope their nemesis leaves them alone. Unfortunately, some medicines don’t work and actually may leave you feeling a whole lot worse. I try to avoid any kind of medicine even when I feel like my head is going to explode. If you’re like me, medicines totally wreak havoc on my stomach and then I’m feeling even worse. It’s basically a lose-lose situation. However, there are easy and all-natural ways to quell those annoying headaches so that youcan continue your day feeling great and better than ever!

Holy Relief

1. Drink Water: Did you know that some headaches are caused by dehydration? I’m not talking about “I’ve been stuck in the desert dehydration”, I’m talking about your day-to-day H2O neglect. Lots of folks neglect to sip throughout the day thus causing dehydration. No worries, celebrities do this all the time

2. Self-Scalp Massage: Tension is a huge headache trigger and it means the muscles in your head, yes, you have them, are seriously causing some head pain. Massage your temples and the base of your skull for some relief

3. Handy Power: Our bodies are equipped with nerve endings and pressure points that all work together to make our lovely bodies function as one. Sometimes something as simple as a pressure point can alleviate body pain. Pinch and massage the webbingbetween your thumb and pointer finger and you’ll feel relief in no time.

4. Stretch: Stretching is key and crucial for body health and mental health. Usually muscle tension in the body can lead to headaches. Try stretching your neck and back to target that tension.

5. Pass the Peppermint Oil: Yes, essential oils are real and they do work! Massage some peppermint oil onto your temples and on your forehead. The scent alone of peppermint is super calming

6. Caffeine is Not Your Enemy: If you’re like me, a lack of caffeine can lead to those annoying midafternoon headaches. Sometimes something as simple as a coffee can alleviate a headache.

7. Ginger Tea to the Rescue: I am obsessed with anything ginger. Not only is it super yummy, it is super beneficial too! Ginger is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties which means those tense muscles and blood vessels will feel a lot better. I try to have ginger tea before bed so I wake up feeling refreshed!

8. Take a Hot Shower: If you’re at work, then I know this remedy won’t be possible, but why not take a timeout at home with a hot and well-deserved shower? Let the water hit any of those tense areas and take the time to reflect and relax. I usually spray lavender oil in my shower to add to my relaxation time.

9. Meditate: Sometimes quiet reflective time is all you need to get your head back in the game. Try deep breathing and not thinking about your headache to help redirect yourself.

10. Ice Those Temples: Your temples really do control the blood flow to your brain and when they are inflamed, you’re really suffering. Apply some ice or a cold compress to your temples to help lower the intense heat and pain and that feeling of a “throbbing” headache.

Headaches are annoying and inevitable, but there are easy and healthy ways to put those bullies to rest. Instead of reaching for that medicine, try one of my all-natural remedies for putting that head pounding pain away for good so you can continue being your best you!

Happy Healing!


