My Weekly Workout Schedule

Robbie Anne
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2017


Robbie Anne

Getting to the gym can be so hard especially when life hands you responsibility. For the time that you have at the gym or focusing on getting healthy, it should be spent well. The best way to use every minute you have working out is to use it wisely and with a plan. The worst thing you can do is pull up to the gym and have no idea what the heck you should do. Cardio? Oh, maybe some abs… def arms… nah, I’ll just do everything…a little bit and that’ll work!

Going to the gym with a plan is the best way to actually accomplish and achieve your fitness goals. How can you slim down or build up if you’re not even organizing what to do each day? The worst thing you can do is aimlessly walk around the gym trying a few reps of everything and thinking you’re actually doing something. All goals are achieved when you have a set plan in place. By dedicating certain days of the week to certain muscle groups, you’ll be doing your body justice. Not only does this keep you organized and focused at the gym, it also allows time for your muscles to rest.

Everyone is different with their weekly plans and what to do each day at the gym. Since I like to tone, lifting is a daily task and things like HIIT, cardio, and resistance get thrown into the mix. I like to move a lot and sweat a lot, so I don’t have scheduled whole body rest days but I do have certain rest days for certain muscles. This means I try not to work the same muscle group two days in a row so my muscles have time to heal. Some people think if they work an area over and over again they’ll see results sooner. Nope! Your muscles need time to rest and heal. By over working the area too much too often, you’re body gets used to it and it’s like you’re doing nothing at all! Such a waste.

When I go to the gym, I have a plan of exactly what I want to do and for how long. Mondays are my shoulder day. I only work my shoulders but I usually use a variety of weights and lifting styles. I love starting off with shoulders because this muscle group has me all over the gym. Between dumbbells, resistance bands, barbells, and cable machines, I am up and down constantly.

Tuesdays I like to work on my biceps and chest. Both opposite of each other, these muscles don’t disturb one another. If I work biceps with back, I am actually over working my biceps. This is why I do chest because my triceps power my chest. Biceps are a great early week work out because you can change it up each week. Feeling lazy? Do seated bicep exercises. Chest is good too because the bench is your friend.

On Wednesdays, no I don’t wear pink, I like to work on my legs. I feel like Wednesday is a great day to attack the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves because my definite soreness will be gone by time the weekend fun comes. No one wants their legs to be so incredibly sore on a night on the town with friends and fun shoes. The midweek workout soreness will fade by Saturday. Every Wednesday, though leg focused, changes depending on which specific muscle I want to work. For example glutes with quads, glutes with hamstrings, or calves with quads. I really like isolating certain leg muscles because just squats don’t target problem areas like inner and outer thighs.

Thursdays I like to work on triceps and back because these areas haven’t been worked on too hard in the week. Even though these muscles were used, they weren’t isolated making them ready to be used. Tricep and back exercises will also have you moving throughout the gym. Since dumbbells, barbells, and the cable machine will be used, it’s important to have a plan as you go.

Friday workouts consist of mainly cardio along with stretching and core strengthening. Cardio is usually done throughout the week depending on my time limits, but Fridays are for the heart pumping cardio. I usually stretch a great deal before my run, power walk, or stair climb. Then afterwards I stretch some more and also work on my core through planking and minor body weight lifting and balancing. Core strength is very important and actually helps your posture while lifting. I also must add that I do an ab workout everyday and incorporate it in my daily routine. While breaking between sets, I work on my abs in every way possible. Abs take forever to gain and so little to lose which is why it’s a great idea to tie them in each day.

Since Saturdays and Sundays are for family, friends, and relaxation, I spend my workout time walking the dog, running errands, or taking a few minutes to breathe. It’s good to choose time to allow your body and mind to rest and prep for the upcoming week. I enjoy taking the puppy for a scenic walk and actually catching up on housework.

It doesn’t matter what day you do for each muscle group, just go to the gym with a plan. Your body, and your sore muscles will be thanking you. Check out my earlier posts so you can start planning right now! Happy Workout!

