Sciatica, What a Pain!

Robbie Anne
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2019


Sciatic pain is probably one of the most painful things to experience. In fact, it is so unbearable you can’t sit, sleep, or even walk without gritting your teeth. This sort of pain starts in your back, radiates down your legs, and even travels into your glute region making the simplest of motion impossible. When you have sciatica, relief seems impossible and the pain feels everlasting.

The Causes and Factors

· Age: Yes, this is frustrating and inevitable, but as we age, so do our bodies. Our spines, the quality of our discs, and the condition of our bones change which means we may be more prone to sciatic nerve pain.

· Weight: Being fit is important, and most of us know that; however, when we are overweight, it can put excess pressure on the spine. It’s important to stay active, watch your weight, and if you lose weight, do it gradually. A major loss of weight in a short amount of time can also play tricks on your spine.

· Job: If you work in a field where you are either carrying massive loads of weight or sitting for a prolonged period of time, you are in danger of sciatica. Studies have shown that increased sitting can lead to major spinal issues, moreso than lifting and carrying objects.

Prevention is Key

· Exercise if your friend. You really need to keep your back and core strong in order to avoid an increased risk of sciatica. Lifting, cardio, and full body workouts will keep your back and core in shape while also helping you maintain a healthy weight.

· Posture matters. If you tend to slouch or sit kinda funny, this may lead to spinal issues that can lead to sciatic nerve pain. Paying attention to your posture and being mindful of your body’s placement will prevent nerve damage and pain. Try a lumbar pillow and a chair that is supportive with arm rests and even a swivel to avoid awkward positioning.

· Be mindful of your body. Even if you exercise and use a great chair, there are other simple activities that can lead to sciatica. Standing to prolonged periods of time can be an issue, so try resting one leg on a chair rung or try leaning against a wall. When you lift, use your lower body and let your legs carry most of the load. This is help you avoid spinal injuries of any sort.

Stretch it Out!

Even though you’ve probably avoided major sciatic nerve pain most of your life, it is important to be proactive in your body’s health and prevention. Sometimes the simplest of motion can lead to days in bed in agony. The best way to stay ahead of any back woes and pain is to stretch often to relieve any impending injuries.

· Standing Back Twist: This is a great stretch for those who aren’t that limber and are afraid of a good stretch. Put your right foot on a chair and place your left hand on your knee that is bent. Next, place your right hand on your hip while turning your upper body towards your lifted leg side. Be sure to keep your hips forwards and take your time stretching. Switch.

· The Knee Raise: This is a great stretch that focuses on your glutes and the center of leg pain caused by sciatica. Lay on your back with your legs placed in front of you. Bend one knee back while keeping the other one straight and flat. Grab the knee and keep it placed as close as you can to your body. Hold and feel that stretch. Switch legs.

· Two Knee Twist: This is a really great stretch for your hips and lower back. Lay on your back and put your arms out like a “T”. Next, turn your knees together to one side while keeping your shoulder flat against the floor. Hold for about a minute then switch sides. Ah, relief!

· Single Knee Twist: If you’re looking for the ultimate stretch, look no further. Lie on your back with your shoulders flat against the floor. Next, keep one leg straight and bend one knee. Similar to the standing back twist, turn your bent knee over your body while placing the opposite hand on your knee and looking away.

· The Cat Pose: This is a super easy stretch. Get on all fours and keep your back straight while looking down below. Next, bend your back down and lift your chest while maintaining the all fours position. Breathe and hold this for about 10 seconds. Return to your first position then tuck your chine down towards your chest while raising your back. Hold this position for 10 seconds as well. Repeat each kitty stretch for about a minute.

· Child’s Pose: This is by far the easiest pose and will certainly do the stretching trick. Get on all fours and then seat your bottom towards the floor. Take your hands and stretch them out in front of your while bringing your upper bodyas close to the floor as you can. Hold this for as long as you can.

Sciatic nerve pain can be debilitating to say the least. It can ruin your social life, your career, and even your sleeping habits. By being preventative in your health choices and opting for a good stretch, you can certainly avoid sciatica. Give these stretches a try in the morning or before bed to help your body find peace and give that spine of you’re a rest.

Happy Stretching!

💛 Robin

{Photo Cred: Google Images}

