Work, Gym, Laundry, Tea?

Robbie Anne
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018


Robbie Anne

Ok, so I tried to do a #jerseyshore play on the title, ya know, gym, tan, laundry… Nevermind! The play of my day usually goes something like work, then gym, then hopefully dinner if I don’t stink at wifey business, followed by relaxation which always includes an herbal tea. I got into teas sometime ago because I was always a late night sweet tooth snacker. After dinner I would search for anything sweet whether it be a piece of candy or even a bowl of icecream. Though satisfying, that “sweet" sensation would often be followed by “ugh, why?” As healthy as I am and want to be, late night sugary treats are deadly on my mind and tummy.

Teas have amazing benefits on your mind and body which can help alleviate reaching for meds or other forms of self healing. I’m not the type to take advil every time I have a headache or even reach for cough syrup everytime I feel something “coming on.” Various types of tea leaves and even leaf combinations have been proven to settle stomachs, erase sore throats, clear sinuses, help digestion, and even clear crowded minds. This type of natural remedying has become daily for me and has changed how I sleep and feel overall.

So what kind of teas should you be drinking and when? We all know chamomile is calming but what about a sour stomach or a brain that just won’t settle down? Different teas target different things and it’s important to know what your body needs.


Raise your hand if you suffer from after dinner bloat, heartburn, or indigestion. I will confidently put up both hands because I have been dealing with GERD since I was 16. Having heartburn and acid reflux at night is pretty much terrible and most people would agree. At night after a heavy meal or meal driven by acidic foods, I reach for teas that contain peppermint, ginger, lemongrass, or chamomile. These ingredients are proven to alleviate nausea, bloat, indigestion, reflux, and even frequent bathroom trips.


Whether it’s allergy season or annoying head cold season, most people get stuffy noses and major sinus pressure. Last winter I was always congested and with all that snow, spring allergies were rough! When you’re congested or feeling stuffed up try peppermint, lemon, echinacea, or white tea leaves. Each of these can open your sinuses, boost your immune system, and lessen sinus headaches.


Most people face stress each day from things like work, school, or family. Life is full of annoying stressors we usually can’t avoid but try to ignore or put aside. Unfortunately, the effects of stress don’t pop up until night time when you’re trying to unwind and relax. Stress can appear in many forms such as muscle tightness, headaches, and anxiety. Tea is a great way to alleviate stress naturally. Try chamomile, lavender, ginseng, green tea, rose, or catnip as a way to combat late night stress that can cause digestive issues, insomnia, or rapid heartbeat.


Different teas can boost various aspects of our lives that may need some extra attention. Want to jumpstart your metabolism? Try cinnamon, orange peel, oolong, or green tea leaves. Tired of getting sick or feeling under the weather? Try immune boosting teas like hibiscus, rose hips, dandelion or chamomile.

For the Ladies

Ladies, ever feel crampy or bloated? What about super aggravated from PMS symptoms? I know that once a month I’m just not myself but hate taking meds that mess with my stomach. Give chamomile, lavender, lemongrass, or sage tea a try and you’ll feel relief for sure.

Drinking tea is a great way to calm your nerves, settle your stomach, and avoid nasty colds and flus. By sipping on different teas each night, you’re helping your body become stronger and more efficient each day. So the next time you head to the supermarket, check out the tea aisle for easy and cheap ways to stay healthy and natural. Happy Tea Drinking!

{Photo Credit: Yours Truly}

